Skagit Farmers Supply

Dry Beans in the Skagit Valley

Skagit Farmers Supply treated dry beans in the Skagit Valley with Nachurs Triple Option and Agro Research International, Agro Gold in furrow and Foliar treatment with Stimulagro; and harvested in the dirt over 3,000 lbs. The below photo shows the success that can be achieved when using Nachurs Triple Option, Agro Gold and Stimulagro. Check it out:

More about Nachurs Triple Option:

NACHURS Triple Option is a versatile NPKS liquid fertilizer that contains 100% orthophosphate, sulfur, and NACHURS Bio-K technology, the most plant available source of potassium. NACHURS Triple Option is a high orthophosphate fertilizer offering immediate nutrient availability. Adapted for use on all crops, NACHURS Triple Option offers the flexibility for in-furrow, foliar, fertigation, and transplant applications. It is also compatible with many crop protection products and other crop technologies, aligning to promote crop yield and quality.

Here’s the same field from a side view:

Agro Gold is a unique blend made of nine beneficial Bacillus that regenerate the soil and promote plant health. It will increase mineralization and nutrient uptake and is WSDA organic approved.

Stimulagro a unique blend of cold water seaweed extract with the highest levels of Auxins, Cytokines and Betains, it promotes plant health, root growth, increased yield and is OMRI approved.